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We had a really fun day in the office on Friday. About a month ago, the girls were keen to have a fancy dress day so I suggested that we should do so in conjunction with Children in Need and whatever the staff raised in doing so, Certainly Wood will match.

Everyone made a great effort and as you can see from the photos we had quite a range of outfits from Jack Sparrow, a knight, a snowman or rather snowgirl, a giraffe, a pumpkin and even someone turned up in their dressing gown - sorry that was me!

The girls also toured the yard, en masse to get as much money as possible from the guys in the yard and in total we raised £500 for Children in Need. Our fancy dress winner was Natalie, our marketing assistant, dressed as a pumpkin. She was presented with a bottle of champagne.

Having watched the Children in Need programme on Friday night it was rather a good feeling to have raised money for such a worthy cause. I found some of the stories most moving and terribly sad. I certainly find that when I think about charity I think about the more high profile charities such as cancer trusts or obviously the needs of the developing world, but perhaps less so about the needs of children directly or of families bereaved by the loss of a child. Also, the lovely thing about this appeal is that it is all for children in the UK.

Take a look at our Pinterest board to see our weird and wonderful outfits!


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