Cooking on Wood: Cauliflower & Halloumi Curry
Ingredients:- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil - 1 white onion, sliced - 250g halloumi, cubed - 3 cloves of garlic, diced finely - 1 tsp graham masala - 1tsp turmeric - 1 tsp chilli powder - 2 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes - 1 x 400g tin coconut milk - half a head of large or one small cauliflower, cut into florets - fresh corriander - ginger - pre-cooked rice |
Appliances:- kotlich -firepit or campfire
Step One:
Start with lighting a fire in a firepit or a campfire by using kiln dried logs (we like Grill & Chill as perfect for cooking with due to small sizes which allow for easy heat control) and one KindleFlamer. For further information on how to light your fire, click here.
Step Two:
While your fire is getting going (it won't take long with Grill & Chill and KindleFlamers), set up the tripod and kotlich above it. Pour in the oil and let it warm up, then add in the sliced onion. Keep mixing and once softened, tip in the halloumi. Fry for a few minutes, then add in the garlic & spices.

Step Three:
Let everything fry up for a few minutes until starting to dry out and smelling amazing. Pour in the chopped tomatoes, coconut milk and cauliflower.
Cover over and let cook for about half an hour. Don't forget to keep feeding the fire if required to keep the heat on the pot. Towards the end of cooking time, the liquid should have reduced and thickened. If not, lift the lid off and let it simmer for a bit longer.

Step Four:
Take the kotlich off and place to one side with the lid on. You can eat the curry on its own or add in rice. If adding rice, fry it up for a few minutes to warm up in a frying pan. Make sure to keep mixing to prevent burning.
Dish the rice into a bowl and add the curry on the top. Top with some fresh coriander.