Certainly Blog — Facts and Answers

In this blog, we will discuss why these firelighters are the best on the market. From their eco-friendly and sustainable production to their superior performance, we'll cover all the reasons why Flamers should be your go-to firelighter. 
Here are seven reasons why you should invest in an indoor woodburner for your home.
There is no simple answer to this question, but in this blog we cover topics that answer this question: what are kiln dried logs, how they burn on different appliances, do all kiln dried logs mean quality, the difference between softwood and hardwood logs and their heat output.
With the Russian invasion of Ukraine there is now a massive energy crisis across Europe and not only have oil and gas prices risen dramatically, but so too has electricity with domestic electricity rising from around 15p to over 60p per kWh. As a consequence, kiln dried logs are now the cheapest form of domestic heating fuel with household costs 74% lower per kWh than electricity and 21% less than gas heating.
10 Things To Consider When Choosing a Firewood Supplier
Trying to purchase logs for your woodburner or open fire can be a minefield and there are several considerations which will affect your choice. We have curated 11 considerations you need to think about when selecting afirewood supplier.
6 Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing Firewood
In this blog, we explore 6 ways customers are wasting money on wood fuel this year and what you can do to get the most heat for your pound.

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