Certainly Blog — woodsure

Are Woodburners Being Banned In Scotland?

Wood burning stoves to be banned for new build homes in Scotland! What does the new standard mean? Last week the Scottish government announced ...

What is Wet Wood (And Why You Shouldn't Buy It)
You may be asking the question, what is wet wood? And more importantly, why should I avoid it? We discuss the topic in our blog.
Why Is The Top-Down Method The Best Way To Light Your Woodburner?
The top-down method is the technique that all stove manufacturers and industry experts are now recommending. This article will show you why experts are now recommending this method and how to do it yourself.
There is no simple answer to this question, but in this blog we cover topics that answer this question: what are kiln dried logs, how they burn on different appliances, do all kiln dried logs mean quality, the difference between softwood and hardwood logs and their heat output.
Farm shops are a great way to shop for non-mainstream products, and we love working with them. We have collated a small selection of farm shops we work with that would very much be worth visiting - if nothing else, to pick up a box of Flamers! 
Not only is it now the time to seriously start to look at ways to reduce those rising bills, but also to reduce reliance on the supply of gas and power through our national grids. Fuel security is becoming ever more relevant. So, here are our top 10 tips for saving money this winter.

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