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Firewood has played an integral role in human civilization for thousands of years. From providing heat and cooking fuel to creating light and facilitating industry, firewood has been a vital resource.

In this blog, we'll explore the fascinating history of firewood and its importance throughout human civilization. We'll also examine how the firewood industry has evolved from a traditional cottage industry to a more professional and quality-controlled process, exemplified by techniques like Certainly Wood's kiln drying.

Firewood in Ancient Times

Firewood has been used since prehistoric times when humans discovered the benefits of fire. It provided warmth, protection, and a means to cook food. Early civilizations relied heavily on firewood, with forests serving as a primary source for fuel. Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans used firewood extensively for heating, cooking, and various industrial purposes.

campfire to keep warm in olden days

Firewood in Medieval and Renaissance Times

During the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods, firewood continued to be an essential energy source. It fueled the fires in castles, monasteries, and homes. The demand for firewood grew, and communities organized their wood supplies, often through a cottage industry, where locals would gather and sell firewood.

Industrial Revolution and the Transition to Coal

The advent of the Industrial Revolution brought significant changes to the energy landscape. Coal emerged as a primary fuel source, leading to a decline in firewood usage in urban areas. However, in rural regions, firewood remained a crucial resource due to limited access to coal. The industrialization of timber production allowed for more efficient harvesting and processing of firewood.

industrial revelution and the impact on the firewood business

Modern Firewood Industry and Quality Control

In recent decades, the firewood industry has experienced a transformation. What was once a traditional cottage industry has evolved into a more professional and quality-controlled process. Certainly Wood's kiln drying technique is a prime example of this evolution. Kiln drying involves using specialized drying chambers to reduce the moisture content of firewood, ensuring it is properly seasoned and ready to burn efficiently.

Certainly Wood Pinoesa - modern firewood manufacturing

The Importance of Kiln Drying

Certainly Wood and other companies have embraced kiln drying as a way to provide customers with high-quality firewood. Kiln drying offers several benefits:

  • Controlled Moisture Content: Kiln drying ensures that firewood reaches the ideal moisture content for efficient burning, typically around 20% or less. This eliminates the need for customers to season the wood themselves.
  • Pest Control: The kiln drying process also helps eliminate pests, such as insects or larvae that may be present in the wood, reducing the risk of infestation.
  • Consistency and Quality: Kiln drying ensures uniform drying and quality control, resulting in firewood that burns cleaner, produces more heat, and creates less smoke and residue.

kiln dried logs in front of woodburner

    The history of firewood showcases its vital role in human civilization, providing warmth, cooking fuel, and industry for centuries. From its origins in ancient times to the present day, firewood has remained essential, even amidst alternative energy sources. The firewood industry has evolved from a traditional cottage industry to a more professional and quality-controlled process, exemplified by techniques like Certainly Wood's kiln drying. As we appreciate the convenience and reliability of modern firewood, let's also acknowledge its historical significance and ongoing relevance in our lives.


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