Answer - Any firewood under 20% moisture content that is Ready to Burn is approved.

As stove manufacturers recommend, dry firewood with a maximum of 20% moisture content should only be used in your woodburning stove. Look for the trusted HETAS/Woodsure 'Ready to Burn' logo to ensure this. This logo guarantees the logs are below 20% moisture content and is supported by DEFRA to improve fuel quality. 

All Certainly Wood kiln dried logs are approved under this scheme, providing a reliable fuel source. 

Low moisture content in logs will ensure a clean burn with no blackening of the stove glass or build-up of soot or tar in the chimney or flue. It also means that you will use far less firewood in an efficient stove, making this type of firewood  more cost-effective.

Our kiln-dried logs are 'Ready to Burn' so you must ensure they are stored in a cool dry place, either in a log store or garage.

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