Certainly Wood Shopping Sustainably

What have we done to reduce plastic usage?

kiln dried kindling box In 2020, we stopped using the plastic wrap around our kindling boxes and discarded the plastic handle. The new box that has a lid that closes over the box to avoid water ingress. This new packaging is now wax coated which provides an element of water resistance.
Flamers Natural Firelighters with new corn starch window We have changed the plastic windows on the Flamers box. They are now made from corn starch.
Less Plastic Logo We have reduced the thickness of the pallet wrap we use, so a roll will only have 1.55kg of plastic rather than 2.35kg.
Reducing plastic in our small plastic bags of kiln dried logs We have reduced the thickness of the plastic in our small log bags down from 110 microns to 90 microns – That’s nearly 20% less plastic. These bags along with our bulk bags are also now made from a minimum of 30% recycled material in line with new government regulations.
Firekit- Kiln dried logs and KindleFlamers in cardboard boxes We have also added a range of new log packs which are ‘plastic free’ and packed in cardboard boxes.

This is only the start, and we will continue to find solutions to reduce our plastic waste even further. Take a look here for more information on our sustainability efforts.

Why is planting trees so important?

At Certainly Wood we are passionate about creating new woodland within the UK and we have been involved in tree planting for many years. Here are just a few reasons why tree planting is so important:

  • Trees clean our air by releasing oxygen and storing carbon via CO2 absorption
  • Provide beautiful landscapes
  • Improve community life and mental health
  • Improve the environmental balance with a greater range of flora and fauna
  • Provide a sustainable source of fuel
  • They help provide a natural form of flood management and help to improve our water quality

You can find out more here



Tree Planting in the UK

How can you shop sustainably with Certainly Wood?

Caring for our planet is something we all have a responsibility to do, and there are several things you can do when shopping with us to do your bit.

  1. Plant a Tree: Tree planting has always been one of our passions, and we are committed to only using 100% British hardwood thinnings from sustainably managed sites for firewood. Why not help us plant more and add a Plant a Tree to your basket at checkout? 
  2. Order in Bulk: By ordering in bulk, you can help us reduce the number of deliveries we make, meaning less CO2 emissions. So if you have the storage, why not consider one of our larger pallet options, or try out one of our bulk bags instead?



    loose filled kiln dried recyclable bulk bag

    What makes us a sustainable business?

    One of our long term goals is to achieve carbon neutrality and we just wanted to share what we’ve done to achieve this thus far.
    • Introduced more plastic free products like logs in boxes
    • Replacing plastic window in Flamers box with corn starch
    • We never clear-fell woodland; we only take woodland thinnings to produce our firewood
    • Reducing our fuel consumption by sourcing our firewood within a 100-mile radius
    • Our kilns now run on wood waste and wood chip, not oil which is what we started with
    • Solar Project – we now have 240kw of solar panels
    • Introduction of wood waste shredding machine which allows us to use all our wood waste in the boilers that fire the kilns
    • We have purchased a new cardboard shredder that allows us to use the cardboard waste as box fillers for sending smaller parcels to customers
    • The sawdust from our firewood processor is taken to a local farmer who uses it as cattle bedding
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