Certainly Blog — Industry Knowledge

In this blog, we will discuss the best ways to store your logs and share all our tips & tricks regarding firewood storage.
Not only is it now the time to seriously start to look at ways to reduce those rising bills, but also to reduce reliance on the supply of gas and power through our national grids. Fuel security is becoming ever more relevant. So, here are our top 10 tips for saving money this winter.
Purchasing kiln dried logs is a smart desicion for many reasons, much of them we will discuss in the blog below. We have curated a list of the top 10 reasons of why buying kiln dried logs is sensible. Check them out now.
6 Wellbeing Benefits of Your Wood Burning Stove
This blog explains how having a wood-burning stove in your home can benefit you and your mental health in more ways than one.
Our latest blog goes into great detail into de-bunking the myth that kiln dried logs burn too quickly. Check it out now!
At Certainly Wood, sustainability and a responsibility to the environment are part of our ethos and as such, we are taking steps to use less plastic on our products. Our Flamers packaging orginally has plastic windows, but now we are using corn starch plastic. Take a look at our blog for the reasons behind this.

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