Certainly Blog — Camping

Top of the Woods: The Most Loved UK Campsite for Stargazers

Did you know that every March the UK celebrates National Bed Month? This month is dedicated to highlighting the importance of a good night s...

Will the latest ban on the sale of wet wood affect campsites?

You will undoubtedly have seen the flurry of media the other day regarding the government’s response to the consultation on Air Quality – Using...

Our Top 4 Glamping Suggestions Where Campfires Are Allowed

In days of yore, camping used to be a little rough and ready, especially in the UK where you needed a boy scout mentality to brave the elements under canvas. However, things have changed significantly in the past few years – camping, and its posher counterpart glamping, has become ‘de rigueur’ with the festival and Millennial crowd. 

How to cook your Sunday Roast outside

If this year’s summer turns out to be as hot as last year, the thought of cooking up a traditional Sunday roast in a hot kitchen has little ap...

Campfire Cooking With A Kotlich

We all know about barbecues and the joys of cooking outdoors on a summer night. But why not extend your repertoire and try something long cher...

Cool Camping's 10 Incredible Campsites That Allow Campfires

As the January Blues set in and people begin to look at the year ahead, we’ve started thinking about holidays in the year to come. To provide...

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